Apartment Switzerland


Sir Madam
Postal code:
E-mail address:*
Confirm e-mail address:*
Phone number:*
Mobile phone number:*
Date of birth:*
Amount of persons younger than 12 years:*
Amount of persons older than 12 years:*
Preferred date of arrival
(1st choice):*
Preferred date of arrival
(2nd choice):
Preferred date of departure
(1st choice):*
Preferred date of departure
(2nd choice):
How did you find us?
Do you have questions or comments?

If you want to book our apartment, you can enter your details in the booking form on the right. We will contact you as soon as possible. The items indicated with * are mandatory fields.
After receiving the request, we will use the requested period as an "option" the overview. After the deposit (50% of the total amount) the reservation becomes final and will be displayed as "not available".

The processing takes place in the order in which the applications are received.

For more information you can mail to:
or call to:
Lucien de Jong